Thursday, February 23, 2006

Movecast 1 - Rain

Episode 1 is finally up!!!! :) It starts with a not so great intro of me... And the logo sits on the screen while that happens. I thank everyone who contributed to the podcast (see credits later), apologize for the badness of the intro.

Episode 1 of Movecast is my unofficial music video for the song Rain, by Matthew Ebel. Find his website here!

At the end I give my contact info, which is on my website ( My e-mail address is
That's about all there is to the episode, so I guess I'll get on with the credits!

Oh, and you can access the move HERE! :)

Matthew Ebel ~ Rain

Eggz ~ Another Storm Coming
mira d'oubliette ~ 100_3139
802 ~ Thunderstorm over Chesapeake Bay
Dr Stephen Dann ~ Rain, sky and naturally forming letterbox format
geiza_dobashi ~ IMG_4951-1
Kevin Krejci ~ Horse in Puddle
J. McPherson ~ something to look forward to
Glutnix ~ Torrential Downpour #4
dan taylor ~ Sun breaking through the clouds
ubahn ~ 108126_3048
elsie! ~ Man in the mist
lyzadanger ~ Rainbow in Harney County
raptortheangel ~ Lightning VIII
Valerio Pillar ~ DSC_7034.JPG
Dan Coulter ~ 2005-03-30 093
Frozen Coffee ~ Lightshow
lyzadanger ~ 2005-06-15-steens_night_camp_v2
Altweibersommer ~ Gambia - Westafrica
ElvertBarnes ~ Man.Hand.WDC.12nov93
Robbie1 ~ It's raining over there!
seadipper ~ Horse and rider
jeffk ~ West Texas Clouds
Jordon ~ Tornado in Outlook Saskatchewan
Evdaimon ~ Mammatus-like clouds
mikata ~ [that night my tent almost flew away]
Evdaimon ~ CG lightning strike
elsie! ~ Marden lightning
KellyK ~ Armageddon
pinano ~ a summer storm
cmiked ~ lightning
ElvertBarnes ~ 01.StreetLife.NE.WDC.22jan06
Dey ~ Old man in Marpha
ElvertBarnes ~ 04.Street.Judiciary.WDC.24dec05
drain ~ coins in coit tower windows
katehutson ~ let it rain
Bobby Chorlton ~ Colosseum
ElvertBarnes ~ Man.L.NW.WDC.9mar92
lyzadanger ~ Edgbaston Rainbow
Klitze ~ punta de lobos - cross

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Subscribe! :)

I am now listed in the iTunes directory, so subscribing is as easy as having iTunes (if you don't have it, I highly recomend downloading it HERE! You can also use some other podcast software, but I never understood the other stuff so you're on your own there) and searching "Movecast"! :) I am also on Podcast Alley HERE! and Odeo HERE!. Links will go in my sidebar when I put them there. You can probably tell is still a work in progress.... But it's getting there! :)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Movecast Episode 0.5: Intro! -- Now online!

Thank you again, Kento... For hosting (at least temporarily) AND for the awesome website!
For show notes see my first post, and for the episode....

Click here!

Anyway, Kento says I look like I'm a prisoner.... Interesting. :p Once again, sorry for the bad quality... I hope to have a real episode up soon, but I've been slightly delayed by abiding to the law. Darn AP photo database....

Friday, February 10, 2006


Not a great logo, I know... But I tried!

Movecastmv is live! is live!!! :) Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kento!!!!!!! Expect a much cooler template soon... I just used a default one when I made it......

So... Now I have contact information!

Skype: Pikados

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Movecast episode 0.5: Intro!

Well, this show isn't even posted yet.... This podcast doesn't exist yet. But I do have the first show made, so hey... Why not post some show notes. The pilot/intro episode starts out with me making a strange face because I edited part of it out... Yay. So not the best start.... This whole episode is not the best start. I'm basically sitting against a wall in my awesome beaver sweatshirt (go beavs!), talking.... Recording with a digital camera..... Not the best thing to record with, but the best I had on hand. The actual show should be about 1,000,000,000 times better, so don't judge from this one.... Even I hate this one! I only made it to explain the podcast....

So enough criticizing of myself, on to the actual show notes.

  • You find out who me, your host, is.... I'm Emi, incase you missed that.
  • I apologize for the bad quality.... The same bad quality that was ranted about above.
  • Finally the actual intro to the podcast.... The explanation of the general idea of Movecast!
  • A realization that I'm not cut out to be taped.
  • Estimated arrival of the first real episode
  • Contact information pending

Things I neglected to say in the intro that I thought of later, but was too lazy to do a take 4 of it....
First of all, I said the music will dominantly be Christian. I'm still finding this fairly true, though a lot of it is not so much Christian as it is interpretable either way... Some of the stuff is obviously Christian, but I think those wont be as common. I found myself trying to appeal to a broader audience while I was going through the music network.
Second, I neglected to explain that these music videos are more like slideshows then videos. They're made in iMovie, but since I'm obviously (from this episode) not cut out to be filming much of anything, I make these movies from still images. The one I made before turned out amazing though (if I do say so myself!), so I'm hoping for more good results.
Third.... Umm... I can't remember if there's a third. But now that I think of it, if any artists are upset by the making of an unofficial music video from there song (once I start getting those up and all), they can feel free to contact me and it WILL be removed. No lawsuits, please... I will happily comply.

Also, at the rate I'm going, I will have the first real episode ready before this intro is even up.... So the estimated arrival time can probably be cut back quite a bit. Maybe a week tops.
Hoping to get the feed set up soon, and have this podcast up and ready to go this month! At least on iTunes this month....
Also hoping to get a domain soon, and then I'll work on this template to make it a lot more awesome. This one is a pre-made.... Boring! I'll be working on a custom one.

This is a lot longer than just notes. I'm sorry. So I guess I'm out for now. Thanks for watching, or at least visiting the site! :)
